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Merry Christmas

I just love Christmas.  What a wonderful day!  A time to celebrate the birth of our Savior and a day to see pure happiness on the faces of our loved ones, especially our children.

This year we went to the 7:30 AM Mass.  It was beautiful to visit with Jesus before opening gifts and before eating breakfast.  My son volunteered to serve, so we had to get there extra early.  My husband worked the night before, so he met us at church.  Although the Mass was beautiful, I can't believe I am going to say this but, I missed the crazy crowd.  It was a bit to calm for me - I know, I must be mad.  I guess I am just used to having a livelier Christmas Mass.  Don't get me wrong, being with Jesus is always special and I love the celebration of Mass.  However, I think I prefer the hustle and bustle of the over crowded Christmas Mass with the choir and  all the new faces.

After church we went home.  Upon entering the great room I noticed a pink bakery box and a card!  My husband is the best.  When he came home to shower and change he placed my birthday cake and card on the kitchen island, so that I would see it as soon as I walked in.  I read the card, cried, and then peeked at my delicious cake.  We then headed to the tree and opened our gifts.  It was so awesome to see those happy little faces.  They were so grateful and so excited.  It was the best.  My hubby cooked us a huge breakfast while the kids played with their "toys" and I rested.  I am the luckiest woman - he's great.  He also made lunch and then everyone sang "Happy Birthday," to me and we had that yummy cake for dessert.

We spent the day just being together and then in the evening we went to a diner to pig out and then to the movies.  It was a bit out of the ordinary, but it was great.  I usually don't like to leave the house on Christmas  and I usually make a huge dinner, but I have to admit that it was VERY nice having such a casual day.  My husband really didn't want me on my feet all day slaving and so he insisted that I take it easy - being nine months pregnant, I took him up on that offer and I am glad I did :)

Christmas was a little different this year, but it was perfect and I wouldn't change a thing, not even the quiet early Mass.


  1. Merry Yvette-mas! :P

  2. Hmmm, Anonymous... only one person that I know would say Merry Yvette-mas! LOL! Thank you :)

  3. Yay! I discovered a way to post A LOT faster!

  4. Watcha in a rush for? Not like you have things to do...hahahahah :P


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