Easter Sunday, one of my favorite days in the entire year. What a happy day.
Life. Rebirth.
It had been raining all week, but today it is gone. Poof, miraculously it's sunny and warm. A little gift from God.
Mass was so beautiful today. Our church covered in white flowers and our priests handsome in gold and white. The parishioners spilled out of every door. We arrived early and still had to stand for the first part of mass. Didn't bother me one bit - I was happy that so many people came to celebrate our Lord's resurrection. The hymns were all so beautifully selected and so beautifully sung. Oh, and the Eucharist, the icing on the cake. To receive our Lord's body, blood, and divinity after 40 days of Lent was just amazing.
After mass, my husband treated us to Cracker Barrel for an amazing breakfast. We then went home and enjoyed our day with my best friend here in VA and her children. I cooked up a storm. We feasted and we played. My husband, friend, and I planned an Easter egg hunt for the children. The kids remained in the house while we hid the eggs. That was so much fun; the three of us running around like children trying to be creative with our hiding spots. Once we were done, we lined the children up from youngest to eldest and let them out the front door. They went absolutely nuts. It was hilarious to watch.
Once the eggs were found and prizes sorted, we cleaned up the kitchen, and then played a game of football. What a great time we had! I haven't laughed that hard in a while. After football we ate some more, and then played a game of soccer. It was five of us against my youngest son (the athletic genius) and our neighbor's son (the other athletic genius). Ummm, there was a reason it was five against two! They beat the heck out of us. Yes, two little boys beat five people. Wow.
Our evening ended with the children playing outside and grown-ups talking, eating, cleaning up, and laughing.
My home was filled with children, laughter, and love in celebration of Jesus Christ - it doesn't get any better than this :)
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